I grew up in a rural setting not far from lake Huron. Spending time walking her rocky shores and listening to the roar of her water has been an important part of my life. Here I experience a calm spiritual environment in which the birth of the visual process occurs.
The ever changing sight and sound of wind, water and rock are reflected in the movement and texture of my works. The lake gives birth to coarse sand and ever changing rocks. They are continually smoothed and shaped by her waters, the rough edges are smoothed so they can move freely through her waters. While in this environment my edges, too, are smoothed so that I'm able to experience a spiritual visual process. Groupings of stones emerge as images with there own narratives or feelings. While some stones are figurative, others, due to layers of lines, suggest an energy pushing outward. They symbolize not only a higher spiritual being, but, spiritual being of self.
My works are visually autobiographical; however, many people can identify with a spiritual journey experience. I attempt to keep the spirit somewhat whole, but, allow it to grow, change, envelop and give birth to a new one.
The strip plywood exposes multi-layers to suggest the layers of human spirituality. Human spirituality changes frequently; therefore, the relationship between self and sense of spirituality must also change. The diverse stone icons and the various directions, depths, colours and texture of other stones reflect these changes in relationship.
The use of circular and triangular stones mirrors that of the spiritual nature. It is equally supportive at all of its edges. This support is important as it leads balance to the temporal life.
Jacquie van Klaveren